Breakthrough Region Beta Logo


Hey, what is this?

Breakthrough Region Beta (BtRB) is a concept for a 2d fighting game featuring 10 psychic fighters in a northeastern U.S. suburb. BtRB features the sleek, hand drawn look of games such as Street Fighter 3: Third Strike or The Last Blade 2. The game mechanics draw from the Smash Bros. series--stages are large, and interactive with several obstacles and platforms. In addition, instead of a single health bar, there are two counters in BtRB. One is a Knockout bar. A figher is defeated when this bar, which is perpetually draining, reaches 100%. The second counter is a Damage bar, which works like the % damage in Super Smash Bros. The higher the Damage bar, the faster the KO bar fills up and the slower it drains.

BtRB takes place in a very focused setting, during the autumn and winter of a town called Raccoon Meadow.


About the name

The Region Beta Paradox is an interesting concept that explains why a severe situation is less painful than a milder one, or why "a shattered bone hurts less than a scraped knee". Actually, I came across this concept while searching for cool sounding scientific terms, but it seemed to fit the idea of "crossing over" to a more intense state of psychic overdrive.



  • Backstory
  • Characters
  • Gameplay Notes
  • Stages
  • Extras


Character and stage art, plus more information, is to come in future weeks!